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17/12 Homepride Avenue,
Warwick Farm, NSW 2170,
+612 7908 2271

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Welcome to UGG Originals, the ultimate destination for sheepskin UGG boots that are both fashionable and of high-quality in Australia. Our goal is to make shopping with us a hassle-free and convenient experience for you, and we pride ourselves on our speedy delivery services. We have an amazing selection of world-renowned UGG brands that make for an excellent gift for your loved ones. Our international customers have always loved shopping with us and we want you to experience the same joy. 

We believe in providing boots that are both stylish and comfortable. Our collection of classic tall boots, short boots, and slippers are made with genuine Australian sheepskin and merino wool, ensuring you look and feel great in our boots. We have something for everyone, and we want you to find the perfect pair that suits your style and needs.

At UGG Originals, we value honesty and trustworthiness above all else. We strive to provide the best UGG boots to customers in Australia and around the world. Don't forget to spread the love and send a pair to someone special. We guarantee they will love it as much as you do!

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